450 billionaires indexed on secret computer diskette

Released on = November 13, 2006, 2:35 pm

Press Release Author = Ben Henry Campbell

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = 450 U.S. billionaires will be indexed on the 2007 Edition of
the BILLIONAIRES LIST. Includes mailing addresses & telephone numbers of 450
website: www.billionaires.biz.tc

Press Release Body = A super-secret computer diskette will index 450 U.S.
Billionaires in its 2007 Edition (3rd Annual Edition). The information on the
diskette will include complete mailing addresses and telephone numbers of all 450
U.S. Billionaires. (The richest persons in the United States).
Full details of the diskette are explained on the website at:

The 2007 Edition (3rd Annual Edition) adds more that 100 new billionaires to the
index. The 2006 Wall-Street boom which began in the early part of 2006 and is
still continuing, has created quite a few new billionaires in the United States.
But, this stock market boom could suddenly, and without warning, come to a
sudden stop. And no one knows when or if that will happen. One thing is for sure
and that is that the persons identified on the BILLIONAIRES LIST computer
diskette are all billionaires and will likely remain that way for years to come.
Now you can communicate with these billionaires with ease. complete \"contact
information\" for the 450 U.S. billionaires has been recorded on the diskette and
can be used on your desktop computer.If, you want or need to communicate with
billionaires, then, this is your opportunity to do so.
For additional information about the diskette visit the website at:

URL: www.billionaires.biz.tc

Web Site = http://www.billionaitres.biz.tc

Contact Details = Ben Henry Campbell
Email: ben_campbell_publicist@yahoo.com
Tel: 323-573-2501

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